

by | Nov 8, 2018

(Help!) I need somebody

(Help!) Not just anybody

(Help!) You know I need someone



As the functionality, performance, reliability, and affordability of audio, video, and lighting systems continues to improve, the technology behind them is becoming more complex. Modern user interfaces and automation hide much of the complexity. But just like your car, when something goes wrong, often you cannot diagnose or repair the problem yourself.

Stark Raving Solutions wants to be your go-to partner when your AVL systems go awry. SRS is making significant investments in technology and human resources to provide responsive, consistent, and comprehensive service and support for all your AVL gear, no matter who designed or installed it. Simply email help@starkravingsolutions.com or call 913-383-0243 (option 2 outside business hours) to reach our service department. A dispatcher will communicate with you throughout the entire process to ensure that the issue is resolved to your satisfaction. Our goal is no delays and no surprises.

For those who are interested in managed services, the SRS Partner Program offers:

  • priority response times
  • unlimited phone/email support
  • scheduled site visits for equipment maintenance and recommissioning
  • remote monitoring
  • and more

If you are interested in learning more about the Partner Program, please contact Alan at 913-383-0243 or alan.sargent@starkravingsolutions.com.

Help is on the way!