The Tech Director Experience is coming up on February 22nd!

SRS Partner Program

by | Jul 24, 2018

We answer the phone on Sundays”.

Did you know that up to 70% of system failures could have been prevented with annual maintenance? The Stark Raving Partner Program is a comprehensive preventative maintenance program for your entire AVL system, helping prevent major problems before costly repairs occur.

Your integrated AVL system is a large and essential investment. Let our experienced technicians service and maintain your integrated AVL system. Our field technicians train, troubleshoot, diagnose, replace, and repair any AVL system equipment. Our goal is to minimize your system down time and provide you with the peace of mind that comes with professional AVL maintenance.

Protect your integrated AVL system with the Stark Raving Partner Program.  A properly maintained and serviced AV system is essential to optimum system performance, equipment longevity, and customer satisfaction. Call us today or visit us HERE to get connected.