The Tech Director Experience is coming up on February 22nd!

SRS Travels to Norway to teach Strategic Use of Tech in Worship

by | Oct 14, 2016

In early September 2016, Stark Raving Solutions was honored and blessed to partner with the Church of Norway for the first ever Fagdager Mediateknikk, a church production technical conference in Oslo. Over the course of two days, SRS team members Dan Stark and Marcus Hammond delivered presentations on various topics and best practices in the world of church video production and worship graphics presentation. In addition, Church on the Move (Tulsa, OK) Production Director Andrew Stone spoke on various audio topics at the conference. Attendees came from points all across the country of Norway, as well as some from Sweden. Multiple manufacturers presented their products in a small expo, including Digico, Allen & Heath, Midas, Telefunken, Renkus Heinz, QSC, and many more.

The SRS-Norway connection has been developed over the last 5 years through a friendship and networking with Per Amundsen, head of audio/visual technology for the Church of Norway. Per, in partnership with colleague Geir Kristoffersen, are passionate about educating the Norwegian Church about quality audio-visual production so the Church in Norway can communicate in new and dynamic ways. The western “way of church” is very intriguing to churches in Norway that are passionate about reaching people with the Gospel.  The Church of Norway is officially a state-ran Lutheran church, with over 1,400 individual affiliated churches. Other churches not affiliated with the state Church of Norway (or “free churches”) were also in attendance for Fagdager Mediateknikk, and the attendance of these churches in the years to come is expected to increase.

SRS looks forward to partnering with our contacts in Norway for future technical conferences! It’s incredible to see the church in Norway use the same tools that so many churches in the United States use to reach people for Christ.

To connect with those involved with Fagdager Mediateknikk, check out:

  • Stark Raving Solutions, Per Amundsen, Geir Kristoffersen, Dan Stark, and Marcus Hammond on Facebook
  • Andrew Stone (@stone_rocks) and Marcus Hammond (@marcus_hammond) on Twitter